I share insights on Full Stack Web Development to provide value to fellow enthusiasts. My writings are a reflection of my continuous learning journey, where I document the lessons and experiences gained along the way.
February. 09. 2024
My Journey from Frontend Developer to Full Stack Developer
Transitioning from a Frontend Developer to a Full Stack Developer was a significant moment in my career journey.
July. 29. 2023
How The Heck JavaScript Works Behind The Scenes? What is a JavaScript Engine?
The browser does not understand JavaScript. It uses a JavaScript engine that reads and executes the source code so that the computer knows what to do.
July. 13. 2023
What are Callbacks in JavaScript? A Simple Guide
Any function that is passed to another function as an argument is called a callback function in JavaScript.
July. 12. 2023
Event Delegation - A Simple Approach to JavaScript Event Handling
Event delegation in JavaScript is a technique that allows you to handle events on multiple elements by attaching a single event listener to their common parent element.
web development
December. 27. 2022
Master Web Development with Building Projects - The Top-Rated Learning Method
Are you ready to take your web development skills to the next level? If so, Building Projects is the perfect learning method for you.
March. 09. 2021
5 HTML tags you might not know!
HTML is a powerful markup language which can be used to give our web applications structure...
February. 10. 2021
What is Conceptual clarity?
Many of us lack "conceptual clarity" because instead of learning well, we are too focused on learning things fast.
Saad Baig
Full Stack Developer. I build everything from small business sites to rich interactive web applications.
Recent Post
My Journey from Frontend Developer to Full Stack Developer
How The Heck JavaScript Works Behind The Scenes? What is a JavaScript Engine?
What are Callbacks in JavaScript? A Simple Guide
Event Delegation - A Simple Approach to JavaScript Event Handling
Master Web Development with Building Projects - The Top-Rated Learning Method
5 HTML tags you might not know!
What is Conceptual clarity?